domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

Concello de Betanzos. Gañadores/as do concurso de fotografía de escaparatismo

O Concello de Betánzos publica a lista de gañadores do concurso de fotografía de escaparatismo 2014. Volvemos a repetir este ano con terceiro premio. As fotos presentadas son dos escaparates da Ferretería O Cabalo e da Tenda de roupa infantil Dbebés.

El ayuntamiento de Betanzos publica la lista de los ganadores del concurso de fotografía de escaparatismo en 2014. De nuevo repetimos este año con el tercer premio. Las fotos que se presentan son de los escaparates de la Ferretería O Cabalo y de la tienda de ropa infantil Dbebés.

Concello de Betanzos. Gañadores/as do concurso de fotografía de escaparatismo
1er. premio. Laura Muiño Picos 250 € en Tarxeta de prepagamento.

2º. premio. Flavia Nuñez Fernández 150 € en Tarxeta de prepagamento.

3er. premio. Francisco Javier Domínguez Buela 100 € en Tarxeta de prepagamento.

Fotografías presentadas al concurso.


Fotografías: Fran Domínguez.
Texto: Fran Domínguez.

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

CLÁSICOS DEL MOTOR, Renault Caravelle.

Renault Caravelle

El Renault Caravelle es un automóvil descapotable fabricado por la marca francesa Renault entre 1958 y 1968. Durante los primeros 4 años de producción fue conocido como Renault Floride en todo el mundo excepto en Estados Unidos y Canadá donde se denominaba Caravelle.
El Floride fue presentado en 1958 en la Feria del Automóvil de París. Se trataba de un pequeño vehículo convertible de motor trasero diseñado por Pietro Frua de Carrozzeria Ghia SpA. Usaba el chasis y motor del Renault Dauphine sedán. Al año de su aparición en Europa fue lanzado en Estados Unidos y Canadá como Renault Caravelle.
El motor original derivado del Dauphine, algo escaso de potencia, fue sustituido en 1962 por uno de 956 cc procedente del nuevo Renault 8. Asimismo el nombre Floride es definitivamente reemplazado por el de Caravelle en todos los mercados. En 1964 adopta otro motor de 1108 cc (56cv) usado después en el Renault 8 TS.
En julio de 1968 cesó oficialmente la producción.

Fotografía, Fran Domínguez, Wikipedia.
Textos, Wikipedia.

Renault Caravelle

Renault Caravelle.
Renault Caravelle.


  • 845cc 40cv SAE
  • 956cc 48cv DIN
  • 1108cc 56cv SAE
  • 1108cc 60cv SAE


  • Floride / Caravelle(Estados Unidos y Canadá)
  • Floride S
  • Caravelle 1100
  • Caravelle 1100S

sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

Playa de Lagos, Bueu.

Nombre de playa: -Lagos 

Es una playa pequeña de arena blanquísima. Pertenece a la zona protegida de Cabo de Udra.
Está en una zona tranquila aunque pasa muy próxima una carretera y no hay ninguna dificultad para el acceso por lo que la frecuentan en verano las familias.
Desde la playa podemos ver al fondo la Isla de Ons (que pertenece al Parque Natural de las Islas Atlánticas).
Municipio: -Bueu 
Provincia: -Pontevedra 
Comunidad Autónoma: -Galicia 
Longitud: -250 metros 
Anchura: -10 metros / Media variación 
Grado ocupación: -Alto 
Grado urbanización: -Aislada 
Paseo marítimo: -Sí / Completo 
Fachada litoral: -Montaña 
Descripción: - Playa virgen protegida como Espacio Natural.  
Composición: -Roca / Arena 
Tipo arena: -Blanca 
Condiciones baño: -Oleaje fuerte / Ventosa 
Zona fondeo: -No 
Nudismo: -No 
Vegetación: -Sí / en la playa 
Espacio protegido: -Sí / Espacio Natural / Red Natura 2000 
Actuaciones: -Sí / Dispone de rampas 
Bandera azul: -Sí 
Forma de acceso: -A pie fácil / Coche 
Señalización de los accesos: -Sí 
Acceso discapacitados: -Sí 
Coordenadas: -42º 19' 28,270'' N 08º 49' 31,02'' W 
Coordenadas UTM: -X: 514.395,87 Y: 4.685.823,05 H:29 
Carretera más próxima: -PO-315 
Autobús: -Sí / Interurbano (Pontevedra - Cangas a 3 Km) 
Aparcamiento: -Sí / No vigilado / Menos de 50 plazas 
Fotografía: Fran Domínguez.

Textos: Playas con encanto.

Link Google maps:

Cabo Home.

El Cabo Home o Cabo de home se encuentra en la parte más occidental de la península del Morrazo, y ofrece espectaculares panorámicas de las Islas Cies quienes forman parte junto con la Isla de Ons , la isla de Sálvora y Cortegada del Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas. Este impresionante lugar, de obligatoria visita para quienes recorren nuestra comarca, tiene un indudable valor paisajístico, siendo que posee la zona de acantilados más espectacular de la Península del Morrazo.
Costa da Vela - Donón - Cabo Home

El acceso a la Costa da vela se realiza a partir de la carretera C-550 (Carretera de Cangas a Bueu por la costa) donde se tomará el desvío dirección a Hío, Donón o Nerga.

Tan pronto se accede al mirador situado en las afueras de la aldea de Donón, llama poderosamente la atención del visitante una inmensa escultura con forma de caracola realizada íntegramente en acero inoxidable por el escultor Moañés Lito Portela. Cabe destacar de este maravilloso paraje, la diversidad de su flora y fauna y la agreste belleza de las playas de Barra, Nerga y Melide, las cuales conforman un sistema dunar de gran importancia.

Este sistema dunar es, hoy por hoy, el más extenso y mejor conservado de la Ría de Vigo.


Fotografía: Fran Domínguez.

Textos: Delmorrazo.

Link Google maps:

Puerto de Betanzos.


Betanzos conjunto Histórico Artístico.

Los ríos Mendo y Mandeo que se unen al pié de la ciudad forman un amplio estuario que ha dejado el antiguo puerto de Betanzos aislado del mar. La ciudad de Betanzos fué declarada conjunto Histórico Artístico en 1970 por sus monumentos,casas y barrios antiguos.La Ría de Betanzos cuenta con algunas de las playas más concurridas del litoral gallego.

Nos vamos de paseo por la ría de Betanzos, y las poblaciones que se asientan en sus márgenes. Los ríos Mendo y Mandeo forman un amplio estuario lleno de limos con juncos y líquenes que han dejado el antiguo puerto de Betanzos, en otro tiempo muy importante, aislado del mar. Así el viejo puerto Brigantium Flavium de los romanos se tuvo que volver hacia tierra. La estructura urbana de la villa está marcada por su carácter señorial, de antigua capital de una de las siete provincias del Reino de Galicia. Durante los siglos XV y XVI alcanzó su máximo esplendor.
Las principales familias gallegas se jactaban de tener casa en Betanzos, de ahí la denominación de Ciudad de los Caballeros. Y en 1970, la villa fue declarada Conjunto Histórico-Artístico. Perderse por las calles de Betanzos es como leer en las páginas de un libro de historia. Una lección que se puede recibir al cobijo de los soportales de los cantones, frente a la Torre de Santo Domingo. En la puerta principal del Hospital de la Anunciata descubrimos el escudo imperial de Carlos V. Y en la plaza de la Constitución ya no sabemos dónde mirar. Vayamos por partes. El antiguo edificio consistorial, del siglo XVIII, es obra de Ventura Rodríguez. El Palacio de Bendaña, del siglo XV y reedificado en el XVII. A su lado se alza el Centro Internacional de Estampa Contemporánea, en la antigua Casa Núñez. Dominando la plaza, la Torre del Reloj, del siglo XVI. La Torre está adosada a la iglesia de Santiago. Precisamente, son las iglesias las que se brillan en la monumentalidad de Betanzos. Santa María do Azougue es uno de los templos más bonitos de Galicia. Es de finales del siglo XIV, y fue mandada construir por Fernán Pérez de Andrade sobre otra anterior románica. Santa María tiene como vecina la iglesia de San Francisco, considerada monumento capital del gótico gallego, del siglo XIV. Vinculada a la casa de los Andrade, luce su emblema, el oso-jabalí, en su ornamentación externa. Dejamos Betanzos, y avanzamos desde el interior de la ría. Nos encontramos con otro tipo de monumentalidad, la del mayor puente de Galicia, este sobre la autopista A9. Y ya que hablamos de ingeniería moderna, nos acercamos hasta otro puente, el de O Pedrido. Aunque fue inaugurado en los años 50, su construcción se inició en la Segunda República. Otra curiosidad: este trayecto es espacio natural protegido. Nos movemos de nuevo. Estamos en Bergondo, tierra de pazos, como el de Mariñán. Su carácter residencial es uno de los aspectos más llamativos del municipio, porque aquí parece que florecen los pazos como las plantas en los jardines. Y una joya en una tierra en la que abundan los talleres de joyería, el monasterio de San Salvador, que no podemos dejar de visitar. Pero el reclamo del municipio son sus playas. En el Pasaxe do Pedrido, bajo el puente, se despliega un amplio arenal con espacios recreativos y servicios turísticos. La playa principal es la de Gandarío, tranquila y segura. A los pies de este arenal se encuentra uno de los campamentos de verano más solicitados, en especial, por hijos de gallegos residentes en América. Cruzamos la ría para llegar a Miño, otra población que despierta al verano en las Rías Altas. Sus arenales, Perbes y la Playa Grande se llenan de turistas ansiosos de sol y mar dos meses al año. En la orilla de enfrente se encuentra Sada, otra villa turística y veraniega en virtud de sus playas, su excelente puerto deportivo y sus servicios hoteleros. Pero Sada no sólo está activa verano, ya que, por proximidad, es uno de los lugares de esparcimiento de los habitantes de A Coruña.     

 Fotografía: Fran Domínguez.
Textos: Galicia para el mundo.

Link Google maps:





Successor(s)Chrysler Newport
The DeSoto (sometimes De Soto) was a brand of automobile based in the United States, manufactured and marketed by the now-defunct DeSoto Division of the Chrysler Corporation from 1928 to 1961. The DeSoto logo featured a stylized image of Hernando de Soto. The De Soto marque was officially dropped 30 November 1960, with over two million vehicles built since 1928.[1]


1929 DeSoto, the first model year of DeSoto
The DeSoto make was founded by Walter Chrysler on August 4, 1928, and introduced for the 1929 model year. It was named after the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto. Chrysler wanted to enter the brand in competition with its arch-rivals General Motors, Studebaker, and Willys-Knight, in the mid-price class.
Shortly after DeSoto was introduced, however, Chrysler completed its purchase of the Dodge Brothers, giving the company two mid-priced makes. Initially, the two-make strategy was relatively successful, with DeSoto priced below Dodge models. Despite the economic times, DeSoto sales were relatively healthy, pacing Dodge at around 25,000 units in 1932. In fact, when DeSoto first came out in 1929, it broke the record for first-year sales record, with 81,065 cars sold, and was not beaten until 1960 by the Ford Falcon.[2]
However, in 1933, Chrysler reversed the market positions of the two marques in hopes of boosting Dodge sales. By elevating DeSoto, it received Chrysler's streamlined 1934 Airflow bodies. But, on the shorter DeSoto wheelbase, the design was a disaster and was unpopular with consumers. Unlike Chrysler, which still had more traditional models to fall back on, DeSoto was hobbled by the Airflow design until the 1935 Airstream arrived.
Aside from its Airflow models, DeSoto's 1942 model is probably its second most memorable model from the pre-war years, when the cars were fitted with powered pop-up headlights, a first for a North American mass-production vehicle. (The Cord 810 introduced dashboard hand cranked hidden headlamps in the 1936 model year.) DeSoto marketed the feature as "Air-Foil" lights "Out of Sight Except at Night".

1929–1942 gallery


Grille emblem from a 1950 DeSoto DeLuxe

1950 DeSoto DeLuxe hood ornament
After wartime restrictions on automotive production were ended, DeSoto returned to civilian car production when it reissued its 1942 models as 1946 models, but without the hidden-headlight feature, and with fender lines extending into the doors, like other Chrysler products of the immediate postwar period.
Until 1952, DeSoto used the Deluxe and Custom model designations. In 1952 DeSoto added the Firedome with its 276-cid Hemi engine. However, in 1953, DeSoto dropped the Deluxe and Custom names and designated its six-cylinder cars the 'Powermaster' and its V8 car remained the 'Firedome'.
At its height, DeSoto's more popular models included the Firesweep, Firedome, and Fireflite. The DeSoto Adventurer, introduced for 1956 as a high-performance hard-top coupe (similar to Chrysler's 300), became a full-range model in 1960.
In 1955,[3] along with all Chrysler models, De Sotos were redesigned with Virgil Exner's "Forward Look". DeSotos sold well through the 1956 model year. That year, for the first, and only, time in the marque's history, it served as Pace Car at the Indianapolis 500.[4] For the 1956 update Exner gave the DeSoto soaring tailfins fitted with triple taillights, and consumers responded by buying record numbers.
The 1957 had a well integrated design, with two variations: the smaller Firesweep, the Firedome/Fireflite body placed on the concurrent Dodge 122" wheelbase chassis with Dodge front fenders; and the Firedome and Fireflite (and its halo model Adventurer sub-series), based on the larger 126" wheelbase chassis shared with Chrysler. As was conventional in the era, subsequent years within the typical three-year model block were distinguished by trim, bumper, and other low cost modifications, typically by adding bulk to bumpers and grilles, taillight changes, color choices, instrumentation and interior design changes and often additional external trim.
The 1958 economic downturn hurt sales of mid-priced makes across the board, and DeSoto sales were 60 percent lower than those of 1957 in what would be DeSoto's worst year since 1938. Also Ford Motor Company had introduced a new mid-price competitor for the 1958 model year with the Edsel. The sales slide continued for 1959 and 1960 (down 40 percent from the already low 1959 figures), and rumors began to circulate DeSoto was going to be discontinued.



By the time the 1961 DeSoto was introduced in the fall of 1960, rumors were widespread that Chrysler was moving towards terminating the brand, fueled by a reduction in model offerings for the 1960 model year. The introduction of the lower priced Newport to the upscale Chrysler brand no doubt hastened the decision to end production of DeSoto, which was very similar in size, styling, price, and standard features.
For 1961, DeSoto lost its series designations entirely, in a move reminiscent of Packard's final lineup. And, like the final Packards, the final DeSoto was of questionable design merit. Again, based on the shorter Chrysler Windsor wheelbase, the DeSoto featured a two-tiered grille (each tier with a different texture) and revised taillights. Only a two-door hardtop and a four-door hardtop were offered. The cars were trimmed similarly to the 1960 Fireflite.
The final decision to discontinue DeSoto was announced on November 30, 1960, just forty-seven days after the 1961 models were introduced. At the time, Chrysler warehouses contained several million dollars in 1961 DeSoto parts, so the company ramped up production in order to use up the stock. Chrysler and Plymouth dealers, which had been forced to take possession of DeSotos under the terms of their franchise agreements, received no compensation from Chrysler for their unsold DeSotos at the time of the formal announcement. Making matters worse, Chrysler kept shipping the cars through December, many of which were sold at a loss by dealers eager to be rid of them. After the parts stock was exhausted, a few outstanding customer orders were filled with Chrysler Windsors.

Termination factors

Despite being a successful mid-priced line for Chrysler for most of its life, DeSoto's failure was due to a combination of corporate mistakes and external factors beyond Chrysler's control. The Chrysler brand essentially moved from a luxury automaker to a mid-priced automaker when Chrysler launched the separate Imperial brand in 1954 for the 1955 model year. Most DeSoto models were merged into the new Chrysler Newport in 1961.


The 1958 recession, which seriously affected demand for mid-priced automobile makes, hurt DeSoto sales particularly badly, and sales failed to recover in 1959 and 1960. With falling sales, the 1959 and 1960 models were very similar to the concurrent Chryslers, and rumors began to circulate that DeSoto would be discontinued.

1955 DeSoto in Havana, Cuba

Dealer networks

DeSoto-Plymouth dealer in Pennsylvania, ca. 1930–1945
Chrysler's dealer network also had an effect on the termination of DeSoto. Following World War II, Chrysler had a large number of dealers that carried two or more Chrysler makes, with DeSoto-Plymouth and Chrysler–Plymouth relationships being the most common. However, as Chrysler attempted to spin Plymouth off into stand-alone dealerships, existing dealers typically chose to become higher-volume Plymouth dealerships over the slower-selling DeSoto brand, leaving the marque with a weakened dealer network and fewer outlets selling its cars. Also, DeSoto Division's failure to adjust to changing market trends by introducing a new compact car model in 1960 as its GM and Ford counterparts, as well as its own Dodge and Plymouth siblings did, also hastened its demise.

Brand management and marketing

It was Chrysler's own brand management in 1950s, which pitted each of the five marques (Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, Chrysler and Imperial) against one other, that did the greatest damage to DeSoto and, ultimately, to the company itself in long-range product planning.[citation needed] Rather than carefully managing the market relationship to specific price points for all consumers, as General Motors had done so successfully, Chrysler allowed its own divisions to develop products targeting markets covered by their own sister divisions. Dodge was, by far, the most successful when it introduced the lower-priced Dodge Dart in 1960, advertising for which compared the Dart to the "C" car, the "F" car, and the "P" car—Chevrolet, Ford, and Plymouth. While Dart sales soared in 1960, they did so at the expense of Plymouth, which lost sales to the Dart. Plymouth, traditionally one of the "low priced three" fell out of third place, only to regain it twice (1971 and 1974) before its own demise in 2001.
Dodge moved upmarket with the Custom Royal in the mid-1950s which cut into and eroded Desoto's market. The introduction of the 1957 DeSoto Firesweep, a model that used the Dodge engine, chassis, front fenders and hood, pushed DeSoto down into Dodge territory competing directly against the Custom Royal. The Firesweep sold well, but at the expense of the higher priced Firedome and Fireflite models. And the DeSoto began looking like a Chrysler with a different grille and taillights. In an era of strong make identification, DeSoto styling was a recipe for disaster.
When Chrysler marketing showed that consumers were likelier to buy an entry-level Chrysler than a DeSoto, Chrysler introduced the Chrysler Newport as a 1961 model, selling more than 45,000 units in its first year. At less than $3,000, the Newport covered the same price range as the 1961 DeSoto, which had sold 3,034 units total. Thus the DeSoto was dropped and replaced by Chrysler Newport.
Going in the opposite direction, Chrysler pushed into the luxury market by marketing the luxury 'Imperial' as a separate make and division starting in 1955. To make room for the new make, Chrysler Division began expanding downward, while Dodge Division began expanding upward, with larger and more luxurious models. Both Chrysler and Dodge began eating into DeSoto's already small market; and Chrysler's upper management did nothing to stop them.

DeSoto trucks

Chrysler Corporation introduced the DeSoto brand of trucks in 1937 to provide a greater number of sales outlets overseas for the American-built Dodge and Fargo commercial vehicles. The DeSoto brand was badge engineered sporadically on Dodge trucks made in Australia, Argentina, Spain, Turkey, and the UK.
Chrysler ended its truck operations in international markets. However, both the DeSoto and Fargo brands continue to be used on trucks made by Askam in Turkey. In 1978, Chrysler sold its share in the Askam venture to its Turkish partners.[5]



De Soto Fire Dome V8 engine, at the 1952 Los Angeles International Automobile Show
DeSoto sponsored the popular television game show You Bet Your Life from 1950 through 1958, in which host Groucho Marx promoted the product by urging viewers to visit a DeSoto dealer with the phrase "tell 'em Groucho sent you", and to "try a DeSoto before you decide". There was also a DeSoto Plymouth logo visible in the background all during the show.
The Cole Porter song "It's De-Lovely" was used, with his permission, in DeSoto advertising between 1955 and 1957. The revised song lyrics: "It's delovely, it's dynamic, it's DeSoto."


DeSotos were used in NASCAR's Grand National series in the 1950s.

See also


  1. ^ Flory, J. Kelly (2004). American Cars, 1960–1972: Every Model, Year by Year. McFarland. p. 97. ISBN 978-0-7864-1273-0.
  2. ^ Kimes, Beverly (1996). standard catalog of American Cars 1805-1942. Krause publications. ISBN 0-87341-428-4.
  3. ^ Flory, pp. 621 & 700.
  4. ^ Flory, p. 701.
  5. ^ "Company Profile". Askam. Retrieved 27 June 2011.
  • Foster, Kit (October 2004). "1960–61 DeSoto: The End of Adventure". Collectible Automobile Magazine 21 (3): 34–47.
  • Kimes, Beverly R.; Clark, Henry A. (1996). The Standard Catalog of American Cars 1805–1945. Krause Publications. ISBN 978-0-87341-428-9.
  • Gunnell, John, ed. (1987). The Standard Catalog of American Cars 1946–1975. Krause Publications. ISBN 978-0-87341-096-0.

External links